Wikifarmer Library: May Highlights


Library Newsletter suggestion-1
Green Farmer Story Presentation (6)

The importance of biodiversity in agro-ecosystems


In agriculture farmers and agronomists tend to focus on specific crop species for cultivation and production. However, biodiversity has an essential role in agroecosystems for maintaining global and long term food security. It encompass not only the cultivated crops but also the surrounding environment, including the soil, water, and other organisms. Its importance can be shortly described in 5 points:

Biodiversity increases the resilience and adaptability of agroecosystems to various challenges biotic (pests and pathogens) and abiotic (drought, climate change, etc) reducing the risk of crop failure.

It can contribute to natural pest and disease control attracting and hosting beneficial insects, birds, and predators that help control crop pests, reducing the need for pesticides.

Supports pollinator populations, including bees, butterflies, and other insects. These pollinators play a vital role in the reproduction and yield of many crops by facilitating the transfer of pollen between flowers.

Biodiversity contributes to soil health and fertility by enhancing nutrient cycling, improving soil structure, and increasing organic matter content.

It support a pool of essential genes (genetic biodiversity) that are valuable for crop improvement, breeding programs, and the development of new cultivars that are resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses.


Call for Articles

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Knowledge is power and to give this power to the farmers, Wikifarmer and a constantly growing network of authors (over 75) is sharing free educational material with the whole agri-food community. Be part of our global network and help us bring science and practice closer together, while experimenting with content creation and advertise your self. Each author has his/her own profile with personal information and all the content created. Contact our team to discuss topic ideas and send as your article at


Our Team of Authors & Partners continues to grow

Having the same values as Wikifarmer and a strong desire to share knowledge, 12 more exceptional contributing authors became part of our global team.

Read their articles on the Wikifarmer Library and meet all our authors here.

We would also like to welcome 2 new partners: the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences (U.D.C.A) and the BBTWINS

Authors - Newsletter (8)

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